Sensobi is a better address book for business professionals to help you stay on top of your important contacts.
We let you know who you need to speak with, and who is falling off your radar. Before you make that important call, you can see when you last spoke and what it was about. We provide the smarts to help you connect with your professional and personal networks. Download Sensobi and super-charge your address book, your business, and your career.
We are also a team of software engineers and business professionals dedicated to improving how you connect with your professional and personal networks. We breathe life into your address book, one of the most heavily used apps on any smartphone.
Sensobi is currently in beta ..  But, the great people at Sensobi reserved a beta code just for The Gadget 411 readers check it our here Be Sure to take there survey on the site and let them know what you think. Also comment below.
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