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Nintendo Switch

Nintendo Switch: The Slickest Controller one could get their hands on

The Nintendo Switch is of $300 and it is a unique device and nothing like…

Pico Reveals the Latest Pico Neo CV VR Headset

Pico has finally unveiled its latest VR headset at the ongoing CES 2017 event. It…
Gear VR

Gear VR by Samsung Gets Latest VR Browser

Samsung is still in the race to lead the virtual reality future with its famous…

LG Declares 4K HDR Display for Gamers

There is a wide onslaught of goods approaching the CES 2017 in January. Among the…
Oculus Touch

Oculus Touch Review is Finally Here

Oculus Rift was among the best virtual reality objects when it released. But there are…

Speck – Announces Pocket VR with CandyShell Grip

Today at CES 2016 , Speck unveiled its Pocket VR.  This device is described as  "an…

Enjoy the future gaming experience with Samsung’s Gear VR

There is good news for VR fans that Samsung Gear VR Galaxy S6 is now…

Virtual reality is now reality with new Oculus Rift

Oculus rift is still in its developmental stage and its research and development is funded…
Virtual Reality

Virtual Reality is the new REALITY

Last year’s Tribeca Film Festival started with all the limelight on new and advanced Visual…

PSN Network Down With a Glitch

  Today according to Sony's Twitter & Sony PlayStation Twitter.. The PSN Network has a…