Virtual Reality is the new REALITY

Last year’s Tribeca Film Festival started with all the limelight on new and advanced Visual Impact Productions displays and technologies that has enhanced the experience of storytelling.  These innovations have taken a great leap in 2015. Virtual reality has come forward as the significant and the most indispensable concept of this movement. The filmmakers are preparing more and more content and people connected to entertainment industry for devices like Google Cardboard, Oculus Rift and Samsung Gear VR, which are very consumer friendly. This is the main reason behind the display of virtual interaction virtual human lab by Stanford which is used in the latest edition of the Tribeca film festival. Jeremy Bailenson established this Virtual Interaction Lab in 2003 at Stanford University. He is currently working as professor in the same university and has laid his hands upon representation of humans in digital form since 1999. His virtual reality project is all about giving phenomenal experiences to volunteers who wants to test his invention and also want to get transported to another world.

Virtual Reality

This mission is now facing competition from various companies like Google, HTC, Valve, Samsung, Facebook, and Oculus VR, who also want to enter the world of virtual reality. According to Bailenson, his Virtual Reality Lab used to have expensive headset that cost up to $40,000 with numerous wires attached to it and was also immobile.  Bailenson is happy to use Oculus hardware in his routine work, as it is easy to use and very compact. It is of great relief to Bailenson and other users, who now don’t have to use costly headsets and large amount of stationary. Without this latest invention in Virtual Reality, it would have not been possible for Bailenson to carry his old devices of virtual reality to the film festival 3000 miles away from his lab.

With this new innovation, you can try different things at a given point of time. You can be a professor of a prestigious university and on the same time you can fly like a superhero or be a biologist who wants to unfold the secrets of the sea. With this latest virtual reality hardware you can do what your idol does. This sounds very similar to concept of THE MACHINE TO BE ANOTHER.

Bailenson believes that his project is still on a very early stage, and is all set to work harder to find out more advance technologies, which can increase the efficiency of his project.

The virtual reality technology has crawled in previous 18 years, but has evolved rapidly during last year.  Bailenson says that it is very important to make people aware of virtual reality as it gives realistic approach to many aspects of life. He adds that many more innovative projects are under process in his Stanford virtual reality lab which is funded by Google.

There are several allegations made on the dubious and unethical use of virtual reality technology. But, according to Bailenson the field of virtual reality requires a confident and calm approach. He stresses that people should recognize the creative and intellectual power of virtual technology.


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