Upload your music. Share it with your friends,and enjoy the new freedom.

Answer TunesBag beta

TunesBag is a music sharing/ storage tool that allows you to upload  your music files and share them via social networking websites like Facebook ,Twitter ,Friendfeed ,and Last.fm.

Uploading can take place many ways. You can upload a file via your computer,via iTunes, WMP or winamp playlist(windows only), via email, or via URl on the World Wide Web.

I uploaded 5 mp3s and the process took approx. 10minutes.  WoW ! This would be a major con for those who are looking to upload lots of files.

Sharing music online, this is illegal isn’t it? NO! This is perfectly legal. Why? The TunesBag servers are hosted in Austria, they do not have a law about sharing music.

TunesBag is currently in Beta. Wanna join? check out tunesbag.com/i/kw/?TheGadget411