Archive Post

Microsoft Surface Pro 3

Surface Pro 3: A superb hybrid by Microsoft

The Surface Pro 3 is the recent release of the Microsoft’s Surface lineup. Yet now,…

Asus T300 Chi Transformer Book: A portable techno-gadget

Asus has joined the line-up of the Android tablets paired with clever folding keyboard docks…

The Apple iPad 2

Its Official !  After multiple rumors about what was going to be included Apple finally…

Apple’s holding an iPad 2 event on March 2nd

Apple will be holding an event on March 2. According to the invite received by…

The Apple iPad – 48 Hour Wrap up

So I got to check out the Apple iPad , and here is my findings.…

JooJoo Tablet Ready to ship. Should iPad be worried?

    Another tablet has entered the competition for business. A few tablets on the…

Rumor: iPad to have camera?! (PROOF?)

According to a screen capture @ 9 :09 in apples last week event there seem…

CES 2010: The HP Slate

Microsoft and Hp has teamed up and launched a tablet.  This tablet is ironically a…

Apple Tablet coming this Month?

The first post of 2010! With all the concepts of what the Apples upcoming product…