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Surface Pro 3: A superb hybrid by Microsoft
The Surface Pro 3 is the recent release of the Microsoft’s Surface lineup. Yet now,…
Asus T300 Chi Transformer Book: A portable techno-gadget
Asus has joined the line-up of the Android tablets paired with clever folding keyboard docks…
The Apple iPad 2
Its Official ! After multiple rumors about what was going to be included Apple finally…
Apple’s holding an iPad 2 event on March 2nd
Apple will be holding an event on March 2. According to the invite received by…
JooJoo Tablet Ready to ship. Should iPad be worried?
Another tablet has entered the competition for business. A few tablets on the…
Rumor: iPad to have camera?! (PROOF?)
According to a screen capture @ 9 :09 in apples last week event there seem…
CES 2010: The HP Slate
Microsoft and Hp has teamed up and launched a tablet. This tablet is ironically a…
Apple Tablet coming this Month?
The first post of 2010! With all the concepts of what the Apples upcoming product…