For anyone who wants a smartphone that packs the features they crave without the extra size they don’t, HP today introduced the powerfully small HP Veer smartphone running HP webOS.
Windows Phone 7 Series Impression
Windows Mobile team has re-written its Windows Mobile OS with the 7 Series .
JooJoo Tablet Ready to ship. Should iPad be worried?
Another tablet has entered the competition for business. A few tablets on the market or soon will be are Apple iPad & HP Slate. Should they be worried?
HTC Imagio **sneek peak**
We at the The Gadget 411 are one of the few to get our hands on this innovative device. which features And not limited to…
FCC Approved LG GW600, Going to AT&T
The latest approving documents from FCC is revealing the LG GW600 Windows Mobile smartphone, which should be released on ATT network in US according to the draft manual. The GW600 comes with 3.1 megapixel camera, built in WiFi, GPS, Bluetooth and a 20-keys QWERTY keyboard.
D-Link Attempts to Bring Style to Routing
When you think of a router usually style does not come to mind. D-Link is trying to change that with their new addition to the…