Almost every Netflix addicted person in the world would agree with the fact that Netflix marched through the year 2016 like a boss. The company announced its unrivalled availability all throughout the globe. The execution of famous originals kept the speed of Netflix going and made the viewers happy at the same time. All the aforementioned things continued despite of the midyear hike in its subscription fees. However, currently, Netflix has carved its own place as the media giant as more and more consumers come and join the party. Netflix has been able to provide a larger reach when compared to any of the larger cable network competitors. Nowadays, people can even watch Netflix on their Comcast cable box set. This was something that was never thought of as a possibility some years back.


At last year’s CES, Netflix dropped one of the biggest surprises ever. The surprise was about the global expansion of its services. The aforementioned move by Netflix is only a proof about the company’s flexibility as Netflix went on from streaming in selected countries to almost all the countries across the globe. The left out countries include Syria, Crimea and North Korea but the unavailability of Netflix in China came as a shock. China’s licensing essentials left Netflix in a fix but the company will now try to license its content to varied services in the Asian country.

The content selection varies depending on the location of the client. This happens because Netflix needs to license TV shows and movies for each and every country. One sure shot of way of getting the license without many restriction hassles is by making use of a VPN services you can get at Sadly, the global expansion of Netflix has hindered those efforts in a more aggressive manner than earlier, on behalf of the studios which provide several of the videos the company stocks. However, global availability is one thing but Netflix needs to have shows or movies that people would want to watch in the first place. Netflix has a goal of listing half of its catalogue with genuine stuff. The goal has already shown progress for the company. The breakout hits for Netflix in 2016 included Luke Cage and Stranger Things. Both the aforementioned shows helped the company in keeping its speed even when the production houses with big budgets such as The Get Down and Marco Polo failed to impress the viewers.


There are slim chances that a viewer would end up watching everything that releases on Netflix. But the company’s core strategy is to offer something for everyone. David Wells, the Netflix CFO revealed that instead of home runs hunting, the company can easily survive with triples, doubles and singles, especially while cost commensuration. The company further revealed that it is expecting the seconds seasons for shows like Stranger Things, Luke Cage and Master of None in the coming year. There would be latest comedy specials by Dave Chappelle and Chris Rock. Watch Instantly was released in the year 2007; it almost threatened to kill the binge–watching culture with its minute’s restrictions.